Saturday, July 30, 2011

Painting #187 - July 30 - still taking it easy

This painting is the one I started on Thursday and didn't have the energy to finish until today, it really isn't that complicated, just have a hard time making myself paint for some reason, I want to, but I just procrastinate until there isn't enough time to get it done, so then I hurry to finish one, but, at least I'm able to manage to do something, I got a request in the mail today to do an art fair in Constantine, I have obligated myself for the one in White Pigeon and I had myself all set to call that the last one, now, will I do it, I'm thinking about it. That is something I need to start thinking about, getting some stuff framed and ready to show, plus cut mats and I'm having a hard time making myself do that too, I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only member of the art community that has trouble with that, but it isn't feeling good right now, I'm just in a funk, I think tomorrow I will scan some web sites to see about getting some inspiration, maybe that will help. I need to be thinking about getting stuff framed and ready, after all, I am having a show all by myself in 2012 at the Three Rivers Carnegie Center for the Arts, I was saving all the blog paintings for that, now I'm thinking that the blog paintings may only be a portion of that show, so I need to start thinking of some larger pieces too, all the blog paintings are small by comparison, plus the fact that I'm going to be needing to make some money for the possibility of the residency in Ireland, I wish I knew if they were thinking of accepting us or not, so we can make a plan for something else if that falls through.

This painting is on the claybord, I think you can almost tell, it's so smooth with no textures of the paper, plus the fact that I believe I paint in a different manner than when I'm working on paper. I have lots of paintings to finish that I've had in my bag for a long time, ones that I started in demo's or in class that need to be finished, maybe I'll think of finishing them, one at a time, they are larger, and would take more than a couple of hours to finish, but it's a thought, I will be needing some paintings that are larger for my show, we'll see.

This painting is done in the usual manner, the sky, then the background trees, and I move forward as I go to the house, the tree and the little trailer in the foreground, there was no drive, but I felt it needed something to draw you into the painting, so I put one in. I fine tuned it after the initial layer was dry, still, from the back to the foreground, the house was my stumbling block, the tree was in a bad place so I moved it, then I had to figure out what to do with the space that the tree had originally occupied, well, I managed, I like this little painting and I hope you like it too.

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