Friday, July 15, 2011

Painting #172 - very busy day today - lots to do

Well, started out the day with cleaning, ugh! But, necessary, got company! Must get rid of all those cobwebs.

This painting is on clayboard, with the gouache (the opaques), I started out with the sky, then while it was still wet, I laid in the very farthest ground and put in some different colors to indicate farm fields, maybe you can see that, maybe not, but it's in there. I also put some very light blue for the water and then back to the very light green for the middle ground, the foreground has another little bit of water in it and those lovely willows (trash trees according my husband), but look at those lovely branches, I think it's pretty. Once the ground was in I let it dry and then went in with the tree trunk to get that established, I put in some of the branches, not all, then laid in some of the middle tones for the bunches of leaves (this is the pre-ground for the very last layer of leaves that go on at the last), then I went in toward the back and started with the farthest and got the fields and stuff looking fairly good, then to the left, I started with those stick trees far back and started to lay in some leaves, then I continued down the left side and filled in the trees and bushes so that I could see where I wanted to go from there. I started to put in some leaves, the tree looked kind of skimpy with leaves, this tree has many more than the one in my photo, but they looked kind of pink so I added some lavender/pink with some of the green I just kept adding leaves, then I went back into the branches and added a lot more of those, the foreground was next, as I needed to make the grasses look like grasses and I think I did that pretty well, then back to the leaves, and then the branches, did that several times until I felt it didn't need any more, there are so many colors of leaves in this, you see green, you see yellow, you see pink you see sort of orange and some grayish, too many colors, lol. I think it looks good and I'm happy with this painting, and I hope you like it too.

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