Saturday, July 16, 2011

Painting #173 - Lots of fun today, it was Hobby Lobby!

Well, we attended a graduation party for my Neice, but, before we got there, we shopped at Hobby Lobby in Adrian, oooo! Love that store, I can always find something, and I did, more 12" x 12" watercolor canvas, I really enjoyed painting on those last ones I did on the watercolor canvas, now I'll have to come up with something else. I also found some Ampersand Aquaboard, I've been looking for it, but I guess I was looking for the wrong thing, I was looking for textured clayboard, well, they call it aquaboard, so I found some, I picked up a couple of packages of 5" x 7", and that's what today's painting is painted on, of course it was painted with the opaques. I had a helper tonight, Aunt Alicia, she's here for a couple more days and she has been very interested in how I paint, she had to give up tonight (she watched me paint the whole painting yesterday), since we were on the go all day, she's not up to staying up until 1:00 a.m. to finish these paintings, like I am, well, I shouldn't be so used to it, but sometimes (well, most of the time), I can't help it, that's just the way it is. We were gone all day and I didn't get to the painting until about 9:00 p.m., and I got it done by 11:30, I don't think that's too bad, of course it's fairly small, but, I think it looks really nice.

I took these photo's at the Thursday Marshall class, Edith had these apples, and I just had to photograph them. I also got some pictures of a bowl of mixed fruit (I mean different fruits, not salad), so I may be painting one of those here directly, I also picked up some pears today, I guess it is food still life's for a little while. I've been enjoying these small still life's.

The apples are green, there was a red chair in the background, well, I didn't want to put a chair there, but I liked the red (I may have to give the background one more think coat of paint but I have to get to bed soon), we are having another family gathering tomorrow (in honor of Aunt Alicia, here from Kansas), so I had to put the paint away and get this blogged.

I painted the red background then the apples and the cloth, then I filled a mid value for the spoon and so on for the dish and the table, once that was dry, I started to paint the detail on the spoon and got that pretty good and then went on to the apples, the one in front first and then the one next to it and then the last one, the cloth on the table was easy, I just painted in the shadows and the ramped up the highlights to indicate the light hitting it, and, last but not least, is the cut glass dish, I just like to challenge myself (sometimes too much, oh well), and it was done, the table was also easy, just a bit of burnt sienna and it was done. I really like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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