Thursday, July 28, 2011

Painting #185 - July 28 - I don't think I've recovered from the last 6 weeks yet

So tired, getting up early, going to bed late, and that's been the mode for the last 6 or 7 weeks, I don't think I've recovered since trying to get ahead for the June wedding in Minnesota, wow, I sure do need some down time, so, I took the easy way out tonight, I sat here with my husband, and we neither one of us could muster up any energy to do anything, he seems to be getting a bug of some kind and I sure hope that I don't get that, what ever it is. Tomorrow, I told my neighbor that I would start walking again, I haven't been walking with her for over a year and a half, I've been bad, and my body is showing it, so, now I will be trying to walk, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, maybe Saturdays when I don't have to go to the Gallery or if I'm scheduled to do an art fair, like the one coming up in August in White Pigeon, haven't been much in the mood to do the art fairs lately, maybe it's because no one wants to spend any money lately, that could have something to do with it, plus the fact that I am now officially a senior citizen, it really is hard to believe that, my mother was the senior citizen, lol.

Well, I decided to do this small floral , I just didn't feel up to dealing with the landscape that I started at class today, it wasn't that it was so difficult, I just didn't get enough of it done so there was a lot more to do that I could manage in an hour and a half, that's all I left myself to paint tonight. So I got out one of the 4" x 4" claybords and decided to do a floral, the photo I used is so old, this plant I killed 30 plus years ago, its an African Violet.

I didn't sketch it, I just jumped in with the light purple and laid in the flowers, then I put in the centers and while the purple was still wet, I put in some green and blue around the edges, this one took about an hour to complete, love those quick ones. Then I just pulled in some shadows and a little petal definition and, Ta Da! It was done, I like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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