Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Painting #183 - July 26th - a very busy day today

Lots of work, had to clean house first thing this morning, Aunt Alicia is staying one more night before she goes home, so, had to clean the bedding, and sweep the floors and stash the dishes in the dishwasher, all before I got myself ready to teach classes, then home, and get ready for family to come to dinner, so, I didn't finish this until just before Midnight, I'm very tired and someday, I'm going to sleep in, ha! That will be the day, specially lately.

I'm starting to run the gamut on the fruit, so, maybe I'll find something else to paint, we'll see, I have pictures, but for some reason, after 183, I'm not feeling the interest in those old pictures that I originally thought I would, I'm at the half way point now, but, I still have 182 to go before this project is over, sure hope I can manage it, I will say that I am painting, wow, can't believe some of them, and I'm pretty happy with the fruit, so I'm hoping I can get enthused about something else, hope I can figure it out.

This painting is some peaches in a green depression glass dish, I really like this dish so I'm hoping that you see the loveliness of the reflections and the transparency of the dish, I know I've got that pretty well down, now, to come up with a trick to keep me painting when this project is over, I'm working on that, I'm really tired so I will make this short, the painting progressed as most of my paintings do, I painted the peaches and then the dish and then the shadows on the cloth, then I worked it up to the best of my ability, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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