Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Painting #162 - a very small addition today

I really intended to paint something else today, but, as the day progressed, the paintings went down the tube, I really wasn't happy with my portrait sky, I know, you didn't get to see that one, well, now you never will, I was painting it on the illustration board with a gesso surface, well, I re-wet the sky and re-painted it, when that dried, it didn't suit me either, so guess what, I re-wet it and re-did it again, well, they say the third time is a charm, oh no it isn't, I was still unhappy with the sky and was about to do it over again and realized that the corners were soggy and there was a ripple in the surface paper, guess I won't be finishing that painting, duh! I should have waxed the edges like my friend showed me with the watercolor board, if I had done that, I might have been ok, oh well, I will just have to do another one later. I did work on another one that was on the clayboard, but it isn't nearly finished enough to get it completed tonight, so, I was just showing my friend Elaine how I would approach a painting (she was working on a picture of her grandchildren walking on a path, similar to one she saw somewhere else, so, I wet the paper, then I splattered, I threw, I painted into, there wasn't much else I could have done, when that was dry, I was showing her how to put the trees in, and I just kept working, I finally decided to put the figures in and I just kept working until it was almost done, this one didn't take too long, I'll bet I don't have more than an hour and a 1/2 into it, so, I decided to fine tune it (make the figures a bit more clear), and I'm calling it a painting, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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