Saturday, October 1, 2011

Painting #250 - Oct 1 - A bit late again tonight

I'm bad and I know it, I don't seem to get at the painting until it should already be done, oh well, just the way it is, I guess.

Today's painting is another photo from North Carolina (again), I'm sure these photo's were taken before I had digital, which means that it was taken in North Carolina, I didn't get very far in my picture taking ventures, except local stuff, until I was married, for the second time, my husband is very sweet about taking me on trips, the first year we went, I don't think I had the digital camera yet, but these photo's look like North Carolina to me, and so that's were it was, I'm fairly sure it was even the same stream, my Brother-in-law let me out of the car, he drove on and waited about a mile or so up the road, because I was driving him crazy wanting to stop, I actually got out on the rocks in the middle, jumping back and forth so I could get these pictures that look like I was in the middle of the stream, and that is surely where I was. Of course, I was much more limber then, and thinner, and younger, did I say that?

I've really been loving painting these little paintings of the rocks and streams with the little falls, I've got about 2-1/2 hours in this, or so. I painted it on a 5" x 7" aquabord, with the opaques (again). I started by laying in a mixture of neutral tint (a Lucas color), and purple and some coastal fog (an American Journey color), then started by painting the background rocks, then I moved to the rocks in the middle and then on to the ones in the foreground, that pretty much made my waterfall shape then I dropped some green in for the leaves and some darker neutral tint to set them back, the water, where it's greenish, was put in with some sap green mixed with purple and neutral tint added, I grayed it down a bit so it wasn't so bright. Then I started working on the rocks, putting shadows in, then going back in with some highlights, and then blending when applicable, I splattered darker and lighter on at this point so I didn't get too far with the water and then I finished the rocks. Next the water, and some indication of the movement of the water going over the rocks, I put some periwinkle blue on the shadow side of the falls and mixed some purple in for the middle area, then I worked on the tree leaves in the back, oh, I did go in with neutral tint and set the area under the leaves dark and painted around the tree trunks, then the leaves, a few layers of different colors of green. Then, I worked on the falls by getting into the white, and the rest is history, I really like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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