Friday, October 14, 2011

Painting #263 - Oct 14 - It's the Plein air Retreat - What a cool place!

Well, it's been a busy day, I didn't get much painting in (yet), we still have some daylight, but, we are on a schedule, breakfast at 8:00 a.m., Lunch at 1:00 p.m., Dinner at 5:30 P.M., so, it's almost time for dinner, and by the time we eat, there won't be much daylight left, but we could paint in the evening, so I'm still thinking about painting more, I did these two from 10:30 to 12:30, then we sat in the car to get warm, it was windy and cold, so now the sun is out and the lighting is perfect, but, we must be on schedule to get to dinner (not that I'm hungry just now, but the food is really good, so I will force myself, the heck with a diet, I'm on vacation. We got set up for the art show this week-end here, some doings that have been a regular thing, and hopefully we will sell something, we sure have a lot to sell, I do need to get rid of some of these blog paintings, I put out 3 boxes, and about 7 or 8 framed ones, maybe we'll find someone who wants to buy, but I'm not holding my breath, tomorrow we have located some barns that we want to paint and maybe some other stuff too. For today, we just sat out in front of the Education building and painted the tree and small path that were right there, just too cold and not enough time to go too far, we were starving when lunch came, and I really over ate, oh well, like I said, I'm on vacation. I really like these two paintings and I hope you do too.

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