Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Painting #261 - Oct 12 - Kind of a messed up day

Well, I started this day out pretty good, got everything done that I had to before I left to go to the gallery, even made it to pick up Susan's stuff for the Friday night Gallery event (we donated brownies and stuff), I was still early, so, stopped to pick up a sandwich, then on to Wal-mart for candy and a pop, well, got to the Gallery, and Mark was there, well, I assumed he was waiting for me to get there to leave, NOT! He was there for the whole day, so I raced around to get there, and didn't have to. Well, I did paint, I worked on 3 paintings, the extra King's mill I have to do (since I told one of my students that I would sell her my blog painting of Kings Mill, well, guess who sold it back in September at the Constantine Fall Festival, so I decided to paint another one, and I'm almost done with it, it's not exactly the same, but close, I'm sure it will be ok. I started one a 7-1/2" x 15", which will be framed 10" x 20", a very nice size, and this one, I didn't get the other 2 done, but this one is, now. I had to fine tune it when I got home, but it only took about 45 min.

This painting is on Aquabord, 4" x 4", it's very small, just not enough time to do a big one, I did spend quite a bit of time working up the Kings Mill painting, I'll be glad when I get it done. This is a similar one to the one I did the other day, I used the same chicken pitcher but it is different then the other one, it's in a different direction for one and I have several other things in this painting, chickens are my favorite, they are part of my chicken collection, I didn't put the marbles in this one. Anyway, I sketched this one on, just to make sure that I got the right proportions and didn't overlap too much one way or the other. Then, I put a basic medium wash on all the things, once that was done, I jumped right into the dark green for the background, I know, it looks black, but it's not, just very dark. then I just worked back to forward until it looked it's best, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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