Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Painting #268 - Oct 19 - got a bit sidetracked today but alls well that ends well

Should-a-would-a, one of my bad traits, it keeps rearing it's ugly head, I did paint, but, like always, I just manage to get this done before it's bed time, I'm sure glad that I said I'd do these blog paintings, because I fear that if I hadn't I wouldn't get much done, I do paint during classes, and since I'm doing the blog, I've just been painting the small paintings, since I have said I would finish one a day, I do, and have managed to do that, but, comes a day when I need some fresh paintings that are larger, especially if I intend to enter any competitions, I will have to consider that, I know if I need a larger painting I can do it, only trouble is that I might have a trouble getting a larger one done in one day, it's not bad if I get to work on one painting all day, trouble is I usually don't, well, I guess I'm not going to worry about that just now, it is a concern though.

I had quite a time finding some new landscape pictures on my computer today, then I had to deal with the program loosing the printer, love those wireless printers, but the computer or program has a tendency of loosing it on a regular basis, sure is frustrating. I finally got it done but then it was time to leave for our Blue Moon Meeting tonight, so my painting operation didn't get started until after 7:00 tonight, but, I managed to paint it during the get together, I only had to finish up the trees when I got home, but now it's done and I'm ready to explain this one.

I decided this looked like the sky was slightly pink, so I laid in the pink, then laid in some periwinkle on top, kind of a pink stripe and a blue stripe, then I blended the two together, when it was smooth enough, I went for the green and tree trunk shapes in the background, then went for the rocks on the banks and foreground, and rock shapes in the background, this let me see the shape of the river. Once that shape was in, I laid in the tree color on the right, then the river color, I used a bit of periwinkle and white with a bit of sky blue added in and when I got to the dark water in the foreground, I used some cobalt blue with some neutral tint added, then I just worked up the rocks and then overlapped the rocks with the green bush and grasses on the left. I then went in with darker green and really punched up the green on the middle ground trees, after I did that, the foreground water didn't have enough depth, so I added some of the dark green over the blue, since this is really a reflection of the trees in the middle ground tree group, it really helped pull the painting together, I dded white for the foam, and some really light blue, then I went straight into the cobalt for some of the wave action in the foreground, last, I punched up some of the trees in the background and then laid in some yellow orange for a few spots of color, to help draw it together and also, a bit of red, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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