Saturday, October 15, 2011

Painting #264 - Oct. 15 - What a blustery day!

Wow, we really had a windy day, we really couldn't get out to paint outside, there were those die hard plein air painters that went out and withstood the terrible, cool and windy weather, not us, Susan (and several others besides me), decided to stay in the main building and paint from the hall, window or from the Education building (where we were supposed to store our painting stuff), there were lots that didn't brave the elements besides us. Although, those who did, really got some nice stuff, oh well, maybe we can manage to get something tomorrow. I started one this morning, in my ignorance, I decided to do one that was 10" X 10", one of the MDF boards that I coated with gesso, well, it didn't get done, much to big to finish in the small amount of time we had to paint this morning, then after lunch, we needed a nap (didn't sleep well lastnight), so we didn't get up until 4:00 and then dinner was shortly after 5:00, so there wasn't enough time in the evening to finish that one again. Well, when Sue went for a walk with one of the other girls, and the rest of them went into the demonstration they had scheduled, I decided to find something to paint, I thought that I would paint something from a photo, well, the photo's were at the sleeping location and I was at the main building (I had to wait for Sue to get back), so I went back to the hallway and did pretty much the same picture that I started this morning, only it was only a 6" one this time, much easier to finish in a couple of hours.

One of the nice things is that the sun finally came out for a little while before the sun went completely down, and I got a view of the distant trees in the light (which I really pumped up), so it got much brighter than the one this morning did anyway. I did the sky and then the distant trees and just moved down the page until I had all the background in, then I laid in the trees in the foreground, I kept fine tuning them until I had them the way I wanted, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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