Monday, October 3, 2011

Painting #252 - Oct 3 - Well, it's a long story tonight

I don't have a brain in my head, well, when I'm painting, that is. I am in the dog house, I forgot to go to my SWMWS meeting tonight, I got over to the studio this afternoon, never a thought in my head that it was the first Monday in October, oops, I'm the secretary, well, by the time I realized it, it was too late to make it, I live about 50 min away, so, sorry guys, didn't mean it. Nothing I can do about it now, maybe they will think about getting a different secretary, I really didn't mean to do that, I thought about it Friday, then I was in the process of trying to get into that plein air retreat, then the weekend, and Monday came, and since I didn't get to do much in the studio over the weekend, I was looking forward to painting some things and getting some matts cut, well, I sure can't think of two things at one time, and painting, when I'm at it, I'm at it, oh well, I'll try to do better next time.

Anyway, I did some oil painting today, nothing that I can show you, it's really someone else's work (not a professional, Just one of my students), they asked me to help them out, and I accepted, but it was fun, I really was getting right into it, the unfortunate thing about it is that there is no good photo, the only photo is a newspaper clipping that's about on it's last leg, all yellow and the faces on these people are so small that I can't be expected to get a likeness, if I had a bit better of a photo, I might be able to, but at this point, I've already enhanced it 100% and I still have to do the faces, hopefully I'll be able to finish it this week and get that one out of the way, then on to the next, still haven't done the portrait, I'm working my way up to it. Now that I'm getting to the studio on a more frequent basis, I may be able to get some of this stuff done, so, I got to painting late again today, so I chose this simple landscape for that reason.

I painted the very pale blue gray sky in, and how I proceeded was to lay the foggy hills right in the sky color, since it did melt right in, then I just greened up the grayed blue for the next line of trees and I just kept adding green until I got to the foreground rock, I painted this on 6" x 6" aquabord and I used the opaque watercolors, next time I try this I'm thinking that I might try to paint it translucently, that should be a challenge since I'm so accustomed to the opaques now. Then, I painted a middle tone on the rocks and jammed in some weeds on the left corner, then I just worked on the rocks until I felt it portrayed them as best as I could, then the trees just beyond the rocks, I spattered, to enhance the rocks and then I spattered the weeds and, ta da! It's a painting, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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