Sunday, October 16, 2011

Paintings #265 and 265-1 - Oct 16 - For a rainy day, it sure was sunny

All the weather reports told us that we were going to get rained on all day, at 6:00 p.m. it was supposed to clear up, well, it was drizzling at 7:00 a.m., and a few bits at 8:00, but by 9:20 it was clear, not sunny yet but not raining, so it did sunshine sometime after 10:30 and kept sunny until we left at 4:15, so, we had a very good day of painting. I decided to paint on the deck that runs around the building at Pierce Cedar Creek, and I also decided to paint with the oils today, there is only one trouble with that, and that is transporting the painting home without mishap, which did happen to the one with the barn, it was laying on the drivers seat and my purse got laid on the lower right corner, so I will have to liven that up a bit, but I think I'll wait until it is a little dryer then now, since it is very wet and oozy. I also had a mishap while I was painting, the wind picked up and flipped my palette lid over and there was paint on it and it flipped off onto the deck, which is concrete, I had a bit of trouble getting that off the deck, but it looked pretty good when I left. Our next outing was after lunch and that was to Hyla House (the other boarding house, we were in Meadow Lodge), behind that house there were barns and they sure did look like a painting to me.

Also, I did sell a few pieces today during their Arts and Eats, which is something like a bunch of businesses that put out food and art and everyone went from place to place and looked at art and ate, not unlike a Gallery walk, they were very interested in talking to the artists and I had a few that came out and talked to me and watched me paint, some even made comments, it was fun. I'm grateful that I had my palette all made up, and I didn't have to squeeze out paint, I almost didn't paint with the oils, and I probably wouldn't have if it had been rainy all day, we were talking of leaving early, but after breakfast, it was decided that we'd stay, so glad we did, especially since this was a 2 day event, and yesterday was so windy that hardly anyone showed up, today there were quite a few, so it was good. I've considered explaining how I went about this, but my brain is a bit fried from 3 days of concentrated painting, that I'm just going to let you look, I like these paintings, and I hope you do too.

Now, you understand, this painting above is a 16" x 20" canvas, the one below is only a 8" x 8" even though it looks like the first one is small and the last one is larger, it's really the oposite.

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