Thursday, June 30, 2011

Painting #157 - so tired again, hopefully I'll get rested this week-end

I really need to rest, and have some free time for just me, I'm beginning to feel the pressure, although, I've been feeling that for a while, I sure hope I can hang there with these blogs, I am really tired, but I do want to paint, there is a conundrum here, paint, don't paint, what gives with that? I want to paint, I really got excited today about these little baby owls, this picture is a painting of the photo that my student, Edith allowed me to use, it was given to her, and I hope I'm not offending someone by painting this, but, it was such a draw. I need some of these things to keep me interested in painting, I guess I must be getting tired of the landscapes, I still haven't finished the portrait, and now, I'm not sure I like it, I may have to start it over, I'm not fond of the way the paint is laying on the board, we'll see if I can salvage it.

This is about the most monochromatic painting I've done, except for a blue, black and white painting I did once, I know, there wouldn't be much color in this, but, being a colorist, I'm hoping this carries. I enjoyed painting this one, and I got right into it, then I got home and just couldn't get up to work on it, I almost had myself convinced that it would be ok to let it go until tomorrow, but then, tomorrow is going to be busy and I'm trying to figure out how to get tomorrow's painting done, the grandchildren are here for the week-end, and that usually means that my time will not be mine (at least not totally). Don't get me wrong, I love to see them and we always have a good time, so, don't listen to me, I just need a little R & R which would put me back on schedule, I know, you are saying "You just got back from a week-end vacation", well, there was no rest there, we were on the go constantly, don't worry, I'll get it together, somehow. I just want to say, I love this little painting and I hope you do to.

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