Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Painting #156 - another busy day

It was Blue Moon night, and the girls decided we were to go out sketching, I managed to get one watercolor, not so good (maybe it needs more work, we'll see), and after that, we had a wonderful bowl of soup at Sue's, we decided to go back out and sketch a bit more, so, I got another 3 sketches, this time in pen and ink, I really enjoy sketching with a pen, it's been an amazing discovery that happened a couple years ago, I really never realized how wonderful a pen could be, I always felt that a pencil and an eraser were a must (I really used a lot of eraser), now however, it's really not necessary, and I would like to say that I feel that it is because of the Blue Moon group, I may have never discovered that, and it is my opinion that anytime you associate yourself with other artists and work together regularly, you will grow and learn so much more, I really appreciate the girls (Bev, Sue and Carol), that have included me in their group, what a wonderful experience it has been for all of us. We have all grown, and I have entered competitions that I wouldn't have, and sent away for a residency, that I wouldn't have, wow, just teaching classes that I wouldn't have, so it's great, I hope if you are working at art, that you have an opportunity to be in a group such as this, it is wonderful, ok, enough of that.

I worked on this painting today, also a portrait, but that has a lot more work yet, so hopefully I can get it done by this week end, but, I want to explain this one, for now. This was a sketch done on site, and I decided it needed more work, so I got it out and worked on it. I really re-did almost everything that was painted before, so I feel that it is a good subject for this blog. I did the original a few years ago at a workshop, this was a workshop with Lisa Guthrie, a California Artist, and she was helping us to improve our painting on site, so this wasn't a painting of what she painted, this was a place that we went, and everyone sketched, or painted something different. This happens to be the Poor House in Hillsdale (or rather, the backside of the poor house), and, re-painting it, took me back to that spot, so it was a fun time. I didn't have any sky, in the original version, and the trees were so gray looking, so I got out the opaques again, and worked them up, the grass the same, and even the building, I guess the only thing I didn't re-paint was the white fence on the far right side, I like this painting now, and I hope you do too.

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