Friday, June 17, 2011

Painting #144, no painting today, have to rely on the spare

I did bring my painting stuff, I intend to paint something before I go to bed, but for now, I will use one of the spare paintings I made for just this special situation, I didn't get to bed yesterday at all, I was still on the computer at 1:30, then into the shower, load the car and we left the house at 2:30 a.m. for Minnesota. It was a beautiful day, we had a good trip, no trouble, only a couple of places where the traffic was slowed down to a crawl, and no accidents, so it was a good trip, we made it to the Hotel by 3:00 p.m. Minnesota time (4:00 p.m. our time), which made the trip about 13 hours, we did stop for breakfast and lunch so if you take about an hour off for that, it was 12 hours.

I know this painting is very similar to other paintings I've done, but, it was a class project for my Sturgis group, and it was about 75% done and it was easy to finish for an extra one for this trip.

Since this was done a few days ago, I'm not really going to explain the process, I did start with the flowers, I put the yellow in and blended the purple into it so it still showed, the leaves were next and I fine tuned those, I like this little painting and hope you do too.

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