Monday, June 27, 2011

Painting #154 - June 27 - a very special day

Today is my Daughter's birthday, I had lunch with her and bought her some flowers and had a very nice day, didn't get to painting very soon though, not her fault, always my fault, I always wait until the last minute, well, it almost backfired, well, maybe it did, you decide.

I took a non-objective painting start and turned it this way and that way, until I could figure out what it wanted to be. When I go to my friend's house in Indiana, we usually paint some experimental something or rather, and then they just pile up and I never do anything with them, well, I decided to work something up with one that I did somewhere, not sure where or when, but this one had copper spray paint in with the watercolor so I'm guessing that I did it at Lynn's. I don't usually paint with spray paint but this one had some nice colors, and I thought I could do something with it, but, at the same time the science channel had some space stuff come on and I'm very interested in watching that, so I decided to get the watercolor pencils out and work on this while I was watching TV, not usually my best painting plan, but it was the only way I could do both.

I saw a large tree root system and decided it had some rocks, and I worked on that while the shows were on, then I took it over to the table and painted on it with some of my opaques, and this is what I came up with, I think this one works and I am hoping you like it.

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