Thursday, June 23, 2011

Painting #149 - Still one painting behind

I started this today but I will count it as yesterday's painting again, I am almost done with the one I started last week, but I wanted to try painting another 6" painting so I didn't finish it, I may finish this blog and paint it, so you will get it today (since it is already Friday), that means that in addition to painting one for tomorrow (or rather Friday), I do have to finish this one last painting that I'm behind, I sure hope this doesn't happen again, I really got out of kilter for this week, I'm thinking that if I do this blog thing again, that instead of painting one a day I may change that up to painting one or two a week, that shouldn't be a problem, I guess I just didn't take into consideration that there are going to be days that I just can't get at the painting, as you all can attest to here and now.

This painting is of my one and only raft trip, taken almost 21 years ago, my dear brother-in-law, Gordon, said that if I'd do it, he would pay, well, his 80 year old dad, his brother, his brother's daughter and myself, went on the first boat, bet you can't guess which one is me, nor the 80 year old man, lol, I know, it's really small and the faces are just blobs, well, I'll tell you if you can see, I'm the one with the sunglasses just behind, and the 80 year old man is the one with the tan life vest, ok, now that's enough info, you see if you can find us.

This is a river just outside the Indian reservation in North Carolina, it's not a major white water river just a middle one, I really can't remember what the number is, I got lots of pictures of rivers and rocks on that trip, this is just before I married my current husband, he and I were just seeing each other, no idea that we'd get married, and I mooned over him the whole trip, what a hoot! I really enjoyed painting this painting, it took me back, I sure hope you like it too.

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