Sunday, June 26, 2011

Paintig #153 - June 26th - just a small one today

I didn't get to paint until late, and even then other things kept me from really getting into it, I started one on 140# watercolor paper, but, I just couldn't get into that one, had some supper, and decided to just go with a 4" clayboard surface, this usually goes quite quickly, and I did get this done in about 2 hours, I just wasn't up to much today, we had my husband's family reunion this afternoon, and that was really enough for me today, but, I do have this blog to consider, as you will remember, my main reason for doing this is to make myself paint every day, and it really is working, as you all know, some days are better than others, so I chose a simple composition, I have postponed the Sturgis class for the month of July (one of the girls has to have surgery), and they are supposed to be working on a painting with these Spiderwort flowers (I didn't know what they were, I just liked the color, of course, it is really difficult to get that color, it doesn't really work well with the opaque paints, but that is what I had in my palette), I will have to attempt this again with the transparent colors.

I first painted the blue/purple flowers and then went in and painted the leaves, I decided to fill in the whole backbround with the green, then as the painting progressed, I decided to go with the darks at the bottom and let the top stay a bit brighter, I like the way this one feels and so I'm happy with this little painting, and I hope you like it too.

1 comment:

  1. These blue/purple flowers are great! The leaves too! Thanks for sharing this!
