Monday, June 20, 2011

Blog posting #147

Well, we didn't get home until just about 1/2 hour ago(it's after 11:00 p.m.), I did paint today, I got right up this morning, before anyone had a chance to divert me, and painted on a fairly simple painting, I tried to paint in the car, but that didn't work out, my husband was falling asleep (really he just didn't sleep well, again, so he wasn't in much shape to drive), so, I drove from Madison Wisconsin until we got into the state of Indiana, quite a drive for me, needless to say, I'm in no shape to finish my painting, none of the 3 I have in progress, so, maybe tomorrow in class I can finish something and then get home and work on the others to catch up, I knew that going to this family Wedding that I might get talked into staying a bit longer, we were asked for brunch on Sunday, it didn't get started until after 12:00 p.m., and then they opened the gifts, it was after 3:00 before we could really leave, and so, Lin and Art said we might just as well follow them to Rochester and stay and at least get a decent nights sleep, so we didn't leave until 8:00 something this morning, and we hit Chicago at rush hour, so it took longer to get here, plus since we lost an hour, it really put me home late and I'm whipped! So, I don't have a painting for you again today, I will try to catch this back up and get back in the groove, hopefully tomorrow will be a good day to finish a painting, at least one.

The one thing I've been happy about is, that I did paint everyday that I was gone, even though I didn't get one finished, I did paint, so tomorrow I should be able to get something finished. I will do my best. Thanks for checking this out, please come back tomorrow for the finished pieces.

Ok, I took a picture of the center piece on the table, these are the flowers that everyone had at their table, I thought it would be nice to at least give you a sample of some of the wonderful things she did, and she did a lot, wow, I'm impressed, I'm not a scrap booker, she is, and wow, what a job that was, kudos to you Carin.

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