Saturday, December 31, 2011

Painting #341 - Dec 31 - Where did the day go, now it's tomorrow

Got a late start on this, again, wish I could change my habits, I've tried, goes good for a few days and then I'm right back to the old way.

Today was another knitting day, now I really have my work cut out for me, my sister just gave me a bunch of yarn, do I get to keep it? No, I get to knit it, she doesn't knit, and she wants scarf's. She crochet's but that fun fur, or eyelash yarn, just doesn't crochet very well, it's so hard to see the stitch with all that fuzzy stuff hanging out. I don't mind doing it, but I also acquired a pair of socks to knit, of course I have a few days more to get those done, first I have to find some pink sock yarn, I will just have to investigate that, maybe Mary Maxim will have it, if not, Hobby Lobby or Michael's will have something, I hope. I'll probably check out Mary Maxim first to see if they have the pink stuff.

Well, on with the painting, I decided to paint my old dog, I usually paint a portrait of each one of them, I have painted my Rottweiler, Kailah and Syd (also a Rott), now Baron, another Rott, he was a very sweet boy, I had a really hard time putting him down (he's been gone for about 5 years, now (my current dog is Susie another Rott, love those Rottweiler's), Baron's stomach flipped over on itself, not a good thing, he was in such misery, and, it was going to be so expensive to fix, and on top of that they wouldn't guarantee that it wouldn't happen again, he was 9 and very arthritic, so I made the decision, not an easy thing to do. I started a portrait of him, a little over a year ago, but it wasn't just right and I couldn't make myself work on it, of course it was on paper and that isn't as easy to alter, so I painted this one on claybord, I may paint one in oil anyway, since this one is so small, but it's very cute, first I drew it in, and after that I started with the dog, then I painted this gray/purple all over the background, I painted the highlights on the black coat, blue, then black on the very dark patches, I started with the eye's, which are very close to how they look, but, I do believe that I may have to adjust the left eye, I think it may be a tad too small, not a problem. Once the dog was pretty close to being done, I decided to lighten part of the background, that did look better, but, it just didn't suit me, so I put in my couch, he was sitting in front of it anyway, the only difference is, that he sat higher than the back (he was 130 lb. dog), a very big boy, and the couch was in front of a window and it was black, which put his black head right in front of the window, well, I didn't like that composition, I made the couch a bit taller (so the window didn't show), also, it's not purple, it beige, I like the purple better, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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