Thursday, December 22, 2011

Painting #332 - Dec 22 - Such a busy day, and it doesn't look like it's going to ease up tomorrow

Wow, so much left to do, and no time to do it. I painted on my portrait today for about 3 hours, before that my husband and I went to the recycle place and got the basement cleaned out of all those recyclables, the grandsons came today, started a painting (didn't finish it, again), well, I know that doesn't sound like much, but it sure took up most of the day, at 11:30 p.m., I came back to the house from the studio (the portrait), to put the finishing touches on this painting, so I would have a painting for you all, I was planning on finishing the portrait, but I think I still have about 2 hours to finish that, so tomorrow I will finish it, hopefully. I really am putting myself in a bind, trying to get everything done(and I haven't even finished shopping yet), and dishcloths (the knitting), I did manage to finish one dishcloth today and start another, well, I still have some more dishcloths to finish.

This painting was started in the Marshall class a couple of weeks ago, it's been laying around in my bag, so I decided to finish it. This was started wet in wet, a very fun way to start a floral, it really challenges you, then, when it's dry, you have to try to figure out what the color blobs are, so all those flowers are made up, obviously. I do like painting floral's this way, I enjoy the freedom of not trying to make it just like the photo, so, those blue flowers are just made up, the pink ones too, the pink morning glories were a very large shape that I wasn't sure what they were going to be, until they just started to look like morning glories, the rose was easy, and so were the lilies, so now this is finished, this completes one of the paintings I had started and I am hoping I can get the others done soon too. I like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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