Sunday, December 4, 2011

Painting #314 - Dec 4 - A busy day

Well, I got more done today than I usually do on a Sunday, Sunday's my Husband and I spend our time together, usually we go out to eat or the Grandchildren are over and we're cooking, but today he had to help his nephew, so I was left on my own for a bit, I have been struggling with the heaters over at the studio, well, maybe I won't have to worry about running out of fuel now, we went shopping and got me a couple of electric space heaters, I have to go over and check to see if they are working properly, sure don't want to freeze my pipes or burn the place down, boy, would that bum me out. I have so much stuff over there, I'd be devastated.

Well, while I was over at the studio this afternoon, I sorted some more photo's, I have lots, but, I've gotten in a ho hum mood about the ones I had selected before, so, now I have some new selections to look through, hopefully that will stimulate me for a bit more, I must get through to January 25, at least, I intend to paint everyday after that, but I'm going to be working on much larger pieces, I really don't want to just do the small paintings, I have a low energy level, and it takes me quite a bit of that to get these small ones completed in one day, so I intend to work on larger pieces after this year ends. I will still keep posting, but the progression of paintings through until completion will be what you see, this could be tricky, as sometimes I work on more than one at a time, my friend Bev is very diligent about her painting and keeps at one painting until it's finished, one painting at a time, but, I don't work well that way, sometimes when it's not working I have to give it room to settle and tell me where to go with it.

So, today's painting is a floral again, of course, it is because I ran out of time again, seems to be the way of things lately, I was happy the other day getting the deer picture done, and I have another landscape in progress that I want to finish, I hope I can manage it tomorrow, but I also have to paint a Christmas card for the card exchange with the SWMWS (watercolor club), tomorrow night is our Christmas meeting dinner and we exchange cards, you don't have to if you don't want to, but that's the fun of it, you never know who's you will get, hope it works well this year. Well, I'm going to cut this short today, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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