Monday, December 12, 2011

Painting #322 - Dec 12 - good day to get things done

I worked at my art all day, first thing, I fixed yesterday's painting, then over to the studio for some matting and framing, then Blue Moon tonight, we had to get our meeting in early since everyone will be out of town just before Christmas. So, I got my painting done early, glad of that. It sure would be nice if I had someone that lived here, that wanted me to paint with them, that would help me out in that area, oh well, well, maybe not, I wouldn't want to share my art stuff anyway.

I have really enjoyed painting the mountains lately, I found this one the other day when I was working on the computer upstairs, I changed the colors, it was really dark and light, not much color, except the sky, that was very blue, you couldn't really see what was going on in the foreground it was just a jumble of lighter shapes and dark, so I decided it looked like a little ditch (or creek), and I made the tree at the right side into a bunch of smaller trees so it wouldn't be a really large dark shape, so, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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