Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Painting #316 - Dec 6 - It's starting to feel a lot like Christmas

Wow, my friend and student (the one who brings flowers and plants in to paint), Jo Ann, brought in a Poinsettia in today, she and I were the only ones today, so since we had such a wonderful reference, decided to paint the plant today, it wasn't a large one, but it sure stimulated my artistic juices today. I've been having a tough time working with my (stale), reference material, I did sort out some new ones, but, I really got into this one. I decided to paint on paper today, the other day I cut off some paper from my roll of Hot Pressed watercolor paper, and, if you've ever bought paper on a roll, you know it curls up, so the only way to remedy that is to wet the paper on both sides and let it lay flat with water saturation. Well, since the paper was wet, I decided to do a wet-in-wet painting, I had a lot of fun with this, and JoAnn really didn't get much painting done, she was watching me, it was a lot of fun, this painting was pretty well done when we stopped painting, so I finished it when I got home, what I did when I got home was just put in some vein lines and some shading on some of the leaves and cleaning up the edges that were rough, and TA DA! It was finished, I painted on it about 2 hours when I got home, that makes about 3-1/2 hours total and it is a painting that is about 12" x 12", approximately. I really like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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