Friday, December 30, 2011

Painting #340 - Getting closer now

Only a few more days for this blog, I will have to admit that I've been running out of fuel for this, I really don't know how those people that do one everyday manage it. I do feel that I need to get out in the field more, and also get some fresh material, I've looked through my photo;s and I do believe that I've picked them over until there isn't much that interests me to paint. I do like rivers and streams and falls, but you've seen the best of the bunch, so, now I have to decide if I can manage to continue working on this blog, I want to paint everyday, but I don't necessarily want to finish one everyday, so, I'm thinking that I will still paint (for at least 2 hours everyday, and possibly show you at the end of the week what I've done, or else, each day to show you what I painted, I don't know how that would work, since I don't always finish each painting that I start, consecutively, what I mean is, sometimes I work on more than one painting, what ever makes me happy, I have lots to finish and I definitely have other things that I want to do, I'd like to pour some porcelain, something that I haven't done in several years, my porcelain boxes are really in short supply just now, also I'd like to pour some dolls, I don't do large ones, just small ones, plus, I want to do some oils, I also have some beads that I want to make, I really felt that I couldn't take my time to do that when I was so obligated to do this painting a day, which none of those things could possibly be considered painting, so we'll see how things, go, for the time being, I do have a painting for today, it's small, I almost had myself talked into not doing one today, we spent 12 hours in the car coming home from Minnesota, the roads were pretty crappy coming out of Rochester, there were multiple accidents, several involving Semi's, but, I'm beginning to think that I am actually getting myself in the right frame of mind for this painting everyday thing, I couldn't make myself just relax, I looked at the clock and decided that I had time, so I just painted this small one for today, I'll try to do better tomorrow.

This is on a 4" x 4" Aquabord, I decided to do this little one because I thought that I could do a fairly quick painting. I acquired this photo from my friend and student, Pat, she has talked about painting this one but so far hasn't, it's just a simple little composition, the building in the background (I'm sure it's some Doctor's office of something), and the brick wall with the daffodils (if you were wondering what the yellow flowers were, they were too small to really make them look like daffodils), and the stones, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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