Sunday, May 29, 2011

Painting #125, wonderful family day

We had our family gathering for the holiday, lots of food and friends and family. I was busy with cooking and cleaning (I always wait until the last minute for the cleaning), and didn't get to the painting until around 6:00 p.m., and then I took a little break, so all in all, I have about 2-1/2 hours in this painting, it's fairly simple today, of course not much energy for much else what with everything else, so, I'm pretty happy with the results of this one.

This painting is of a place in the U.P., we were coming home from a visit with my old in-laws in Minnesota and we came via the U.P., just after we got into the state of Michigan, we found this farmland, the hills just rolled and rolled, and there were some wonderful round bails of hay(you will probably see some of those too), and the atmosphere was something else, just looking at the pictures makes me all excited again, it was a wonderful trip and I do like the feeling of tranquility of this scenery. We were either coming back to the highway from doing a hike up Black River, or it was just before, can't remember that, but it was fun, I got out of the car at a scenic overlook and looked backwards and was more excited about the scenery behind me.

This painting is on clayboard, and I really piled the paint on, everything was painted wet in wet until I got to the foreground, and I mean wet, the colors just swam together and I kept going back over it, after it was dry, and adding lighter colors and bluish color to indicate the atmosphere, once that was dry, I put in the little dirt track, and the foreground grasses, I spattered and I then put in the trees on the right foreground and the one on the left in the middle foreground, the painting is really light, but that's the way it was, hope you like this painting, I do.

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