Saturday, May 14, 2011

Painting #110, Had a good time with this one, took way too long though

It was Gallery day, I, in my infinite wisdom, raced off this morning to get to the Gallery on time, of course, I was late, but, ah ha! It was already open, I thought I had to work all day, but Mary was there, and the place was open and all set up, I looked at the schedule and low and behold, I was scheduled for the afternoon. That's what you get when you change your work schedule, I had to change the work schedule since I'm signed up to do the Spring Arbor Art & Flowers show next weekend, so, They only had one Saturday open and it was the afternoon. I usually work all day and I just presumed that I worked all day since the only day that I remember I was working 1/2 day was across from Susan and then she remembered she couldn't work so I said I take the whole day, that's where I messed up, I was thinking this was the weekend, oh well, I had a nice visit with Mary, I couldn't see a point in going home, a 50 minute drive, so I just stayed, I at least got to paint, if I'd gone home, I probably wouldn't have.

This painting was a project I originally started at Blue Moon (another one), we had taken a workshop with Donna Zagotta and we were doing something with people, I'm not sure why, but, I decided to do the same process, she does a sketch, and from that she reduces the number of shapes to a minimum, I mean by that, she knocks it down to 10 or 12 basic shapes, then she outlines the shapes with Opera, a very hot pink watercolor from Holbine, once that is done, she fills each space in with the same hot pink, all except the whites, once that is done she starts to paint the painting by sections , it's amazing how she does it, but it all works out. Well, I'm not nearly as good at eliminating stuff, but it all works out in the end, I do tend to keep too many shapes, but like I said, it all works out. I usually start with the background, and anything that is under or behind the main subject matter, which in this case is the 2 girls on the Merry-Go-Round, so, I had to do all the background, then the grass, then the people in the middle ground and the slide and trees, then the very front grasses, then the dirt under the Merry-Go-Round, and then the Merry-Go-Round, finally the girls, it took a long time, but it was worth it, I really like this painting, and I sure hope you do too.

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