Thursday, May 26, 2011

Painting #122, finally, I'll get to sleep in

I'm getting this done a bit earlier than I have lately, and made it a bit more simple than I've been doing lately. I guess I need a real rest, I've not had any for a couple of weeks, I haven't even been able to read at night (like I usually do), because I've been so tired, so, I'm really looking forward to catching up. Maybe then I can get a fresh eye, and be able to continue this blog, I would guess (since this is number 122), that I'm starting to feel a little burn out. I really don't want that to happen, I'd like to continue this blog as I intended from the start, so, I need to get refreshed, and I'm hoping that I can.

Somehow, I have to get a few ahead, I have a wedding to attend in Minnesota, that means we'll be driving for 12 plus hours, to get there, then the wedding day and then a 12 hour drive back, we can't stay long, but I really want to attend, if I don't managed to get some ahead, that means that I'll have to paint something in the car on the way, it might be tricky, plus, we'll be visiting with family and I'm pretty sure that painting time will be short then too, so, I'm going to rest so I can paint like a mad fiend.

This painting is of the Split Rock Light house, from the other side, most of the pictures of that light house are as you approach it from the south, so this was a very nice different approach. I love the atmospheric aspects of this, and I decided that with this view that the sky was to boring, so I decided to add a bit of blue to it, also I missed getting a view of the rocks, so my memory isn't too good and I invented some so I could see the waterline, not too difficult since it is really a small bit. I like this painting and hope you do too.

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