Friday, May 6, 2011

Painting 102, a bit late today

I didn't accomplish much of anything today, family stuff going on and the Coldwater Art Walk tonight, of which I had to man the refreshments table at the Tibbits, we had our South West Michigan Watercolor Show going on at the same time and we were having a little reception besides that, so I didn't get to my painting until after I got home, then had to eat, so there goes some time, and you name it, I can come up with any excuse as to why I didn't get my painting done, it is technically tomorrow, except that I didn't go to bed yet so I'm not counting it as tomorrow, I'm counting it as today, Friday, so you will get to see Saturday's tomorrow, lol.

I spent about 2-1/2 hours on this one, I think I managed to do a pretty good job of the cow, he wasn't in the photo, well, as a matter of fact, I couldn't find the photo, I did this mostly out of my head, originally I had the sky dark for a night sky, but I decided that the cow would be sleeping so I decided to put it in the daylight, this picture is so not like the photo, it's almost out of my head, well, that's not all bad, anyway, I ramped up the barn, it was a brown barn and I decided that the barn should have some color in it, especially behind the holstein (my husband says I should just say black & white, as I'm unsure of the real spelling, oh well) cow, I had to look up a picture of a cow, since I'm not a country girl and cows are kind of like aliens to me, but I like cows, so, I thought this painting needed something as a focal point, so the cow went in. my fence posts were too short for a cow pen, so I made those longer, so, here is today's painting, it's a lot less complicated than the last couple days were. but that's the way it goes some days, I like this painting, and hope you do too.

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