Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Painting #114, the watercolors are back, for today

I worked on the portrait of my X in the workshop, I decided (in my infinite wisdom), to paint on the gesso board, well, the oil paint paints really smooth on that, a little too smooth, for my taste, I really do prefer doing oils on canvas, I had a terrible time getting the paint to stick, if I were not putting the paint on as thickly, it might have dried, but I am working fast and so the glazing isn't the method that works for me, I intend to let the painting dry, probably will take 3 or 4 days, it's really wet, so I couldn't show you the painting I worked on all day, even though it is almost finished, you aren't going to see it until I think it's finished. So, tonight was Blue Moon night, and I got the watercolors out and finished one that I had started before, so it was one that needed some fine tuning. I think it works now, I re-painted most of it, so it counts (I think).

This painting was started with transparent watercolor, we had watched that Shirley Trevena tape, and decided to try her style, well, I can't paint her style, but I did like some of the stuff that I managed to paint, so I took it and fine tuned most of it, I repainted the whole thing using opaques, so it has a different look to it now than it did originally, I added the plant behind the table to keep the yellow green moving around the painting, I like the diagonal of the dark blue and the glass bottles and pitchers, on the whole, I think this painting works, I like it and I hope you do too.

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