Saturday, March 26, 2011

Painting # 61 Was a good day today

It was may day to work at the gallery today, not many came in, kind of slow, so I got a lot done, probably a good thing since we are going to be gone all day tomorrow, family stuff over by Toledo, so it was a good thing I got tomorrow's done today, I know I won't have much chance to paint tomorrow. Now, the question is, do I give them both to you today, or do I make you wait? I think I'll make you wait, it just seems that i should do the blog tomorrow. When I did 2 at once a few weeks ago, it was because we didn't have electricity and I wasn't sure when I would get it back again, but this time I just think I'll wait.

This painting was actually the 2nd painting I started, I decided to start this one while I was waiting for the other one to dry, but, I got so wrapped up in it, that I just had to finish it first, love this one, had a lot of fun doing it.

I started with a little swipe of sky, you probably don't see much of it, it's where the yellow trees are in the back, I then painted the trees green and then moved on to the rocks, I used that light gray and purple again, I really do like that color for the rocks, then I floated in a thin wash of a golden color where the water fall (or gorge) is, then I started to fine tune the trees, after that I worked the rocks on the right side and then the rock on the left side, once that was done, I finished the tree area in the back by putting in the tree trunks. When the tree area was done, I then decided to finish the falls, I put in a bit darker of the yellow in spots and some thin areas of a very light gray/blue, after that was dry, I dove into the white, and I really applied it thickly.

I'm thinking that I will have to tackle this painting again, much bigger of course, and transparently. Then, maybe I'll do it in oil, who knows, then there is always pastel, and acrylic, wow, I could have a whole bunch of them, well, we'll see. I really do like this painting and I hope you do to.

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