Tuesday, March 22, 2011

57th painting, got to keep going, hard some days

Today's painting went really well, it just seemed I picked the right picture to paint, I can't help but wish they all went this quickly, I really need to take less time to paint these than I have been lately, I struggled with the last 3 paintings, and I think this is because I spend too much time trying to get all that detail, I'm not sure how that's going to work, since I don't like the painting if I don't get into the detail, sort of a conundrum. I really do like the detail, well, really it's not the detail, but it looks like the detail, that was one of the things I loved about pastel, I could really fudge the detail, but I'm not as comfortable with the pastels of late, I do want to get back to it, and I will, but not just now, so, on with the painting.

This painting went pretty well right from the start, the sky was first, I mixed some violet with some gray and white, and painted the whole sky, then I added the blue and it was a bit streaked, so I decided to mist the sky area, I then shifted it around until it was really nice and smooth and let it dry. Then I laid in the water, it was really blue, but I decided that it was too tropical looking so I put some green in the blue at the horizon, as it moved forward I added more blue, then, on to the cliffs and the trees, last but not least I jambed in the cliff reflection and the foreground rocks and let that all dry. Than I just kept adding detail to the water, the trees and the rocks, the foreground rocks were the most fun, I painted the purple shadow area then jumped in with a light gray and made some undulations with that gray and once that was dry I put some shadows back in, then the I spattered the rocks in the foreground, last but not least, I added some white foam by the cliffs and out in the water, oh yes, there were people standing on the shoals so I put them in, I thought they made a good focal point. I really do like this little painting, hope you do too.

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