Wednesday, March 9, 2011

44th painting, still lots to do

Meant to finish the other one but didn't make it, got interested in painting one of those 4" clayboard paintings, so, this one isn't my favorite but it's ok, I've painting this scene in pastel many years ago, such a sad thing, just before Christmas this building burnt down, and the poor man that owned it died in the fire trying to save it.

Now then, on the to blog painting, this painting was started with the girls in Sturgis, they all like me to pick a picture and then they work on the same while I demonstrate step by step, they didn't get theirs done, well, neither did I, but I came home and finished it, only had about an hour more to finish it, the painting I was working on this morning has way lots more than an hour to paint, so it's will get done the next day or Friday, I'm pretty tired and am going to publish this and head to bed. The painting was started wet in wet, I dropped in a pale wash of yellow on the forward bud and then dropped cadmium red light on the other flower shapes making sure not to paint in the center part, after it was dry, I then dropped in the purple wet in wet, I wet the area larger than the center part and then dropped a grayed down violet in the center, careful not to paint clear to the edge of the water, this ensures that the purple will find it's own edge and not make a hard edge where I wanted a soft edge. after that I started laying a soft medium green for the background, doing just one corner at a time, wet in wet. after that was dry, I then defined part of the light yellow bud and started to inlay some cadmium red light so it didn't look like a yellow flower in with the red ones. I darkened the purple in the centers and started to pull up the detail in the centers, this helps to define the flower and then I get excited, the rest of the painting is then to paint negative shapes in the green area to indicate the massive amount of grasses and leaves, then the crinkly lines for the flowers and it was done, I like this little painting, I started with the transparent watercolors and then when I got home switched to the opaques, works for me, hope you enjoy this one.

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