Saturday, March 12, 2011

47th day, 47 paintings plus a workshop, WOW!

It was a really good day, as you know, I've been preparing for this workshop for several weeks, well, today was the day, we had 17 in attendance, it was really great, great friends, my friend Susan Miller helped me out, might have been a bit much if she hadn't helped me, plus my daughter Sandra helped me set up and clean up, and my other friend Susan LaFountain helped by running home to get the vacuum to clean up the floors, so, it was a really good workshop, everyone I asked said they had fun, and that's the important thing, I had fun, and we got some really nice paintings, you saw my painting yesterday and so you know it was painting fish, everyone's painting was different, some glitzy (I had almost everything you could imagine to glue and past on and plus, lots of paint), and some just had paint, all in all, it was a good workshop, thanks to the City of Coldwater for applying for the grant, and Nicole Steele for getting it off the ground. Here are a couple pictures of the day.

Ok, now the blog painting, I was really tired today when I got home, this painting may fall short in the detail, I confess that I looked for something that was a simple composition so it would go fast, sometimes that is just what you have to do, time being a factor, since I didn't get to paint until I got home and I was a bit whipped, so you will have to forgive me for taking the easy way out this one time, I promise I will do better tomorrow, I did go through the photo's and picked out several that will be very nice, I did start one other, so I do have a head start, and I will be able to get at it in the morning so I'll be fresh and hopefully able to paint, I painted today's painting on the clayboard, you can probably tell, and it's with the opaques, the sky seemed to be gray (cloudy) so I ramped it up with the purple, then the row of barns, the road I decided to change, it was a driveway and the actual road was not in the picture, so I changed it so that it made a zigzag up the painting to the row of barns, the red barn is really kind of purple, the barns were all in shadow, the foreground field was done with a brush that has three brushes in one, I just wasn't sure how else I wanted to do it, sometimes my brain gets tired and won't let me think, so that's why I used it, I spattered, you can tell that too since it got yellow dots all over the place, I tried to soften some but you can still see them, oh well, anyway, I think this is as good as it gets today, hope you enjoy it. I'm looking forward to just doing the daily painting tomorrow, so much to think about lately, I'm just going to take it easy for a bit.

1 comment:

  1. I came back for a second look. I like the sketchiness of this one Vivian. Fun to see the fish on Saturday. Can't wait to see them all up in Tibbits Gallery this week. Susan
