Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#65, woo hoo! now only 300 to go.

Well, I finally made it, now it should go easier, or maybe it's just that 365 seemed like so many, now it will be so much less, well, let me think that anyway.

I really think that water scenes are my thing, I love these little waterfalls and the reflections in the calm water, must be, it's the thing that really gets me jazzed. Every time I get one of these waterfall pictures out, I just go wild, and I get so excited that it goes very quickly, at least that's how it seems, I really enjoy doing all that water.

This painting is done on the clayboard, again, and the opaques, again, and again no sky, seems like a lot of again's, doesn't it? Well, it may be, but it just seems right. I usually end up taking close up pictures of the water and falls, and when you do a close up, you don't get much sky, but does it need it? No, I don't think so. I started by laying in a thin wash of the local color on the trees and then the rocks and then I put a thin wash of a golden color on the water area, then I fine tuned the background, now it seems like a lotof and then's, oh well. I laid in the darks, then I painted the leaves (those little green dots up at the top) and then worked my way across to the left side and that large rock there, layers and layers, first gray, then some brown, and some black (nothing wrong with some black), then I went back over it laying in squiggly lines for the cracks, once I got that rock shape done, I worked on the rock at the right, that one is more difficult because of all the water running over it, but it looks good to me, then last I painted white over the golden color of the water, when you paint it, the white looks opaque but after it dries it does show some of the gold through, but I make lots of layers of white so that you see little lines that make the water cascade down the hill, I then put a bit of the gold color back in so it doesn't become too white and then I call it done, I love this one, I painted it once before (just this past year), I did a watercolor/collage and made the white water out of the stringy part of the papers, it worked, so I wanted to do this one on the clayboard to see how that one works, and it does, love it, and I hope you do too.

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