Monday, March 21, 2011

56th painting day, something new

I talked yesterday about working in other mediums, I decided to finish Grandma and Aunt Gladys with acrylics, I had started them with gouache, there were no real problems doing that, the only problem I see is the acrylic is shiny (kind of like oils), so it was a little difficult to photograph, I took more photo's of this painting than all the others, trying different things to avoid the bits of gloss that might show in spots, you will just have to understand, and ignore it.

The other trouble I had with painting with the acrylics is they dry so fast, I don't know if the liquid acrylics dry faster than the regular, they probably do, but since I was using the Golden liquid acrylics I only put out drops of it at a time, so I didn't waste much, you just have to remember not to put out more colors than you can use before it gets to dry. I did enjoy painting with them. I may have to investigate getting a retarder to keep them from drying out, this is my first experience with the liquids, I have lots of heavy body acrylics (back in the day, they were just acrylics, now there are so many kinds), and of course, if you know me, I have a tendency to want them all (and usually get it).

This painting is of my Grandmother (before she was even a mother), and her sister Gladys, her sister died at age 15 of diabetes, they didn't have the insulin back then. Anyway, as I said, I was painting this with the opaques but decided to change to acrylics I believe the coverage is better with the acrylics, that was part of the reason I switched. I painted the background wet in wet with the opaques, then onceI had the whole thing laid in with the local colors, I let it dry. I couldn't get enthusiastic about it, so it just sat for a couple of days, I then painted the background with the acrylics, first with the greens, then just kept putting layers and layers on, this was a black and white photo so I could make things what ever color I wanted, the dresses were so light, I am not sure if they were really white, but, I'm thinking this is their Sunday Best, so white it was. I may do this painting a bit larger at a later date, but I cut this one off, the photo acually showed their feet (with shoes, Mary Janes!), I like this painting, I worked very hard on this one trying to get the likeness, why, you may ask, since no one is around to tell me it doesn't look like them (well, it does really). I hope you enjoy this painting, may be a while before I do another painting with people, takes a long time, since I won't leave it alone until it looks like them, oh well.

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