Thursday, March 24, 2011

59 and counting, Ha!

Well, today I started 3, I only finished one though, I'm planning on the one for tomorrow, since it is really the other half of this one. I have a program that will put the pictures you take and overlap them, I always end up taking 20 or 30 shots of the same place, close up, far away and then I stand in one spot and just move my body in a circle and just click pictures and overlap them, so it is a great program. For a long time, I taped the photo's together, but this program makes it so much easier.

This photo was taken somewhere between Minnesota's North Shore of Lake Superior and Michigan's Upper Peninsula, I've taken so many photo's of so many rivers, falls, and rocks, that I have lost track of where most of them were.

Anyway, this landscape is done, again, with the opaques, I've become addicted to painting with these paints, and I'm having a difficulty painting with the transparent watercolors now, I'm thinking I'd better stop, oh my! I mixed the sky blue with an American Journey color called coastal fog, then a bit of purple, when I got that mixed, I added white until it was light enough, then i jumped in with the greens and yellows to make the tree line, I really like the bridge, I just laid it in with a light gray and moved on, once I got all the rocks in and the greens on the sides in I put the water in with the grayed down blue, a bit grayer than the sky. Now, I start fine tuning, I worked up the trees and then moved on to the bridge, I like that fine line that defines the top line of the bridge. Now, the rockes, wow, are there a lot of rocks, then the white of the water, that is really what defines this is the rushing water, this one is pretty and I like it, hope you do to, then on to tomorrows, hope I can pull that off, we'll see.

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