Saturday, November 26, 2011

Painting #306 - Nov 26 - I'm beginning get a bit tired of company

Today we had another family gathering, and it was a mad dash this morning to get everything done, then I had a catastrophe, my bread machine made a mess, well, I guess I really did, I added too much stuff to it and it overflowed, that's the first time it really went over, what a mess, got that cleaned, well, the bread rolls were a bit flat too, I guess it didn't get raised enough, and I had an overflow on the slow cooker, and of course, we didn't get the stuff put up in time and had to throw the stuff in the oven to hurry it up, so I'm kind of glad this day is over, I didn't get at the painting as quickly as I should have so it's late, again. It has felt like Sunday for the last 3 days, now, finally, tomorrow is Sunday, and I'm hoping for a day of rest (well, a rest from cleaning and cooking, hopefully).

I tossed around a barn picture, I know I did a barn picture yesterday, but this one seemed the one for today, after I started it, I wasn't sure it was the correct selection. All those bricks, and the vine growing up the end, whew! I guess I didn't think of all that, I'm glad it's finished, I started to stress out with it, I was tired to begin with, and I probably should have selected a floral, but, once it was started, I just kept working. The hardest part was the vine, and then the bricks, mostly the bricks because there were so many, I just got tired of them but they do look nice. I like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this one mom :D You do awesome work! Keep up the great work :)
