Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Painting #289 - Nov 9 - Another demo painting

This time I was demonstrating for the Sturgis group, they liked the last leaves I did and thought they would like to try that, the original painting I started this afternoon was too big, and too complicated to finish, I'm hoping to get that done tomorrow, it's another portrait, this time my Aunt. I have admired the pose for several months, with no intention of painting it, but, the Tibbits Gallery hung the newest themed show, "Eat Drink and be Merry", and I decided to paint it for that, but, alas, I didn't get enough time to finish painting it, mostly because I had to prepare for class tonight, which meant that I had photo's to get around and copies to make, the only trouble is that my word processing program seemed to loose the connection that allows it to insert photo's, I struggled for over an hour trying to shut the computer down, re-starting it, I tried to go to the website and download the update, that didn't work several times, then I finally decided try to re-load it, but that didn't work either, so I had to remove it and re-load it to finally get it to work, I don't know if it's this computer or I'm just unlucky, but, I finally got it done, but then I only had an hour to paint, so the demo painting is my blog painting tonight, I finished it in about an hour and a half after I got home.

This is painted on 1/4 sheet of 300 lb. watercolor paper, and, for the most part, is painted transparently, I did use a bit of the opaques, mostly on the turnbacks (where the leaves roll over), turnbacks is a china painting term. So, this is basically a wet-in-wet painting, even though we just painted the wet-in-wet one leaf at a time, the detail was put in wet on dry at the end, the background was done one corner at a time, of course, wet-in-wet, and the shadows were put in wet on dry and then the edges wiped with a damp brush to blend, I like this painting (which are the same leaves as last time but a different grouping), and I hope you do too.

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