Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Painting #295 - Nov 15 - It was a good paint day

It sure was a busy day, it started out like usual, watercolor class in the morning and china painting class in the afternoon, but then I had an Arts Alive meeting at 5:15 and that meeting ran over by about an hour and a half, which interrupted our dinner hour plans (the Blue Moon girls decided to do dinner out, and then to go on to Susan's for our Blue Moon Meeting, when the Arts Alive meeting ran over so much, there wasn't enough time to get to Sue's for our other meeting, so we canceled it, and home I came. Well, I'm glad that I had my blog painting finished during class, then I didn't have to race home and try to finish one, that was so much better. My life has been getting too complicated lately, when I stay up so late trying to get these paintings done (because I'm a poor judge of how much time it will take me to complete a painting, especially when I haven't started it yet, because I procrastinate), and I don't get enough sleep, I just don't function well. It's much so better to have it completed early, I must remember that.

I really got into this painting today, I had started this one last Thursday, it was just a basic under painting all over, but, it was a cold under painting, and, it really chilled me, I mean that I just couldn't get into it, I really wanted to paint another fall scene like the one yesterday, but my friend and student Sue, convinced me that it was too much like the painting I just finished, and she was right. So, I had another one started that I was considering, I started that one sometime last week (it was a still life like the ones I did with the fruit), but that one didn't trip my trigger, so, it was this one, I scoped it out, and decided that if I warmed it up a bit, I might be able to salvage it, so that's what I did.

The first thing I did was mix up a warmer green and lay that in on top of the colder green that I had originally laid in, then I smoothed out the sky one more time, then I laid a mix of turquoise with some green added to warm that up, and smoothed it over the turquoise water, so, that really got me started, and from there you can pretty much figure out what I did, I warmed the rocks up, they were a cold grey/purple, so, when I worked on them I added some yellow ochre and some brown with some white added to come up with a warm beige, it didn't take long after than, I just kept working the trees in the background, and then, the middle ground, until it suited me, then on to the bridge, and waterfalls, once they worked the right way, I moved to the foreground trees, and, ta da! It's a painting, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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