Friday, November 25, 2011

Painting #305 - Nov 25 - I did not shop on Black Friday

This is the best day to stay home, I never shop on Black Friday, the shopping was done yesterday, and it wasn't too busy, of course, it was right at the time for dinner, and most people were having theirs, and we were late to my daughters, but, all's well that ends well, the dinner was great and went really well, we stayed until 5:00 and I'm sure she was whipped, but I really do think she's a glutton for punishment, she let my other grandson, Derek, stay for the night, and those two boys were wound up like eight day clocks, and full of pie, I can think of a lot of things I'd rather do than keep 2 hyper 11 and 13 year old boys (Ryan is her only child and he's the 11 year old). She must have survived, she came over about 11:00 a.m. today, I gave her a perm, it took about 3-1/2 hours, she has long hair, the major part is rolling it up on the rollers.

Well, then I tried to paint and couldn't get into it. I took a break, took a short nap, cooked supper, washed dishes, watched some TV and then painted. I have about an hour and a half in this one, I took this photo over 25 years ago, and this barn is no longer there, of course, you can see it must have fallen down, you can see right through it. The sky was really light against the darkness of the barn, it was dusk, and the sky was slightly pink, well, it was pretty boring the way it really was, so I ramped up the colors, and lightened the barn a bit, then it was fairly quick, I really like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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