Thursday, November 17, 2011

Painting #297 - Nov 17 - It was class day and they are always busy

I had to finish this during my evening class, but got it done, I've been working on a small abstract, and I did paint on that a bit today, but it's not done yet, still needs lots of work so you don't get to see that one. This is a painting of a photo that my student, and friend, Pat gave me to use, it's in North Carolina. This must be in the flat part of the state, I don't see many rocks, like in the Northern part where the mountains are, but I'm not sure. I had this about 1/2 done when I left Marshall, so I had about an hour and a half to complete it, of course we don't get much painting done when everyone first gets to class (because we talk a lot), but I felt good that I got it done before we left the studio.

This is painted on Aquabord with the opaques, again. I painted the sky first then put in the green for the trees, I didn't get the tree trunks in until almost finished with the green part, I worked top down with this one, the water was next and I warmed up the water at the back edge so it showed a bit more reflection than in the photo, then the foreground on the left, I spattered a couple of different colors, using a couple of different sizes of brushes, one for larger and one for small, then I worked on the totems, I decided to ramp up the foreground with some orange mixed in with a bit of brown for shadows because there was orange on the totems, I was using brown, but it looked dull and flat, so I ramped that up with some permanent violet in the shadows and on one side of the rocks, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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