Sunday, November 13, 2011

Painting #293 - Nov 13 - Got another late start, it is Sunday, after all.

Well, I never manage to get these paintings done early, I'm thinking it's because I'm really a night\ owl, I can stay up late, and I have a hard time getting up early in the morning, I really think it takes all kinds to make this world go around, so it's ok. This painting is of a flower, again, and it's small, so I could get it done in time, I do need to get some sleep, I have a busy day tomorrow, and I'm thinking it's going to be a busy week, my cousin from Milwaukee is coming next week-end and I have to clean house, but I'm not going to be home much, so one day, I will have to really get after the cleaning, I have a tendency to let the housework go, not the greatest housekeeper, never have been and probably never will be, I get by, when it jumps out at me, I clean it.

I really would have liked to get over to the studio today, but that didn't work out, so I made do with the dining room table, I bought a special daylight to set up so I get the correct lighting, I have a couple of those at the studio too. My house has lots of windows, but, for some reason (I think it's because I'm getting old and things look darker), I don't see as well as I used to, so the light does help.

These flowers are very unusual, I made up this composition from a photo, the photo only had the one bunch of flowers but I felt that the pink needed to move around the painting a bit, I really stylized these, I've been leaning toward some abstraction, at least a bit, I'm not sure that I can go totally abstract, but I'd like to do some more, I know, I've done some, but I don't feel comfortable with that yet, I'm feeling that I need to work toward something here and I'm not sure what, but the abstraction is intriguing, I've been buying several books on that subject and some do actually give you a way to start, by abstracting the reality that I'm used to, so this may be another step in my painting evolution, let's hope so, I don't want to do the exact same stuff all the time, and I don't want to copy someone else, but using someone else's ideas and pushing it my way does appeal to me, we'll see, but for today, I'm just getting a little abstract, not much, but something. I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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