Thursday, September 29, 2011

Painting #248 - Sept 29 - another water and rocks painting

I don't know, there is just something about those rocks, they really come together for me, at least lately. This photo was taken in North Carolina (I'm almost positive that's where these rock pictures came from), there were a lot of rivers and falls with rocks there, if you've never been there, it's a beautiful place to visit.

I've got a couple of other paintings that I need to work on, a portrait and another painting of King's Mill, I sold the one I did for this blog, so since I can, I'm going to paint a similar one, not the same, I can't do that, but it's a similar view, and that's ok, I also have a painting to finish that I've been working on with my class in Sturgis, I don't have a lot to do to finish it, so I could have several for tomorrow, hopefully. I've decided to do a paint-out at Pierce Cedar Creek in a couple weeks, that is if they have room for me, I've talked to Susan, who is also doing this paint out, it's for 3 days, and it should be a lot of fun, I can hardly wait, I don't know if they have WiFi there, so if I can't post my paintings for 3 days, you'll have to get them when I get back (again, that's if they let me sign on).

Well, there is no sky again (love those close ups), so I started by laying in the rocks the the shape of the shadow on top, while that was wet, I put some green in for leaves. I then put the water color in, this happens to be a bit more of a fall than the original painting, I like the action of the water, so I had it run down hill a bit which puts in a small fall. The rocks have multiple layers, that light gray (coastal fog, and purple), then some neutral tint added in, and some burnt sienna with some other dark brown. The water is neutral tint and green with some purple added, and that's put in in the water movement way (kind of snake like shapes), and the falls are the periwinkle blue with white and some purple added and white on top, the neutral tint was great for the background under the leaves too, all in all, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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