Monday, September 26, 2011

Painting #245 - Another Alaska scene

I guess I really love to paint mountains, when I'm in a hurry (I cut matts all day again today), so after supper, I got to painting, but, you understand, I didn't leave the studio until after 8:00 p.m., which doesn't leave much time to paint. Well, I should have been painting a portrait, but, I got so far behind with the matt cutting, I just had to do it, I still have several to cut, but it is better than it was. I'm starting to get nervous about getting my stuff ready for the show at the Carnegie Center for the Arts next summer, I can see that trying to single out the ones I think should go up in the show is going to be tough. Now, since I started this project, I've just been using left over matts, well, now that I have a show coming up, I want them all to be matted with the best, so I'm considering changing the matts on the ones that will go up, and soon, I have to start thinking about putting the frames on them too, that means that I'm going to have to order more frames soon, I have 20 but that's not going to get it, besides the fact that I only ordered 10" x 10" frames, and some of my paintings (some of the very best ones), are in 12" x 12" and 16" x 16" matts, that means I must order frames, ugh! The only good thing about it is that I have a place that is making my frames, and they will probably be pretty much all the same, to make a consistent statement, I do have some larger ones that I'm considering putting in the show, but they aren't in the same kind of frame, should I change the frame to match? Well, that is a thought, I will have to think about it, I usually don't change the frames, once they are framed, but I do want it to be special, we'll see.

This scene is another one of the Alaska scenes that my friend and student gave me permission to paint, this is actually their yard, I did eliminate the swing that was in setting in around the stones in the back there, I just didn't want it there, I almost considered putting water in on the rocks, but I thought it might look un-natural, and I didn't want to take the time to look up how water would look running around the rocks, so I just left the water out.

I started with the sky, sky blue and laid it in around the mountain then put the white for the clouds right in while it was wet, it really makes unique cloud shapes and I'm quite happy with how these ones look. Then the Mountain, well, I got too close to the wet sky and I had to alter the mountains and re-do the sky, but I did get it right, then the trees, and the grass, once that was in, I laid in some light gray (coastal fog) and put some darker shadows in the trees, after that it was fine tune it all, a bit at a time, you know the drill, I like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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