Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Painting #240 - I did accomplish something today

It was matt cutting day, I spent the afternoon cutting, didn't get many in the matts but I did get quite a few cut and then all I have to do is insert the claybord in the foam core and it's ready, I still have a bunch that I have to number, I've been bad, now its telling on me, I have to keep on top of this, one way or another, I'm hoping now that the summer is over, things will settle down and I can get back in the groove, so-to-speak, I know I can.

It was Blue Moon tonight (art group), I finished my painting there, I did have it started before I went, but not by much. I'm using one of the photo's my friend Pat let me use, this was so bright and such intense color, I just couldn't resist it, I still have one left from Monday to finish, maybe I can get it done tomorrow in watercolor class.

This beautiful fall landscape looked almost purple where the trees were, so I just amplified it, this does look a bit more purple than the original, but, I like how this one turned out, the sun was really blinding, and it really knocked out all the color in the area around it, I hope I pulled this off, it looks fairly close to the original, I also decided to use my new Yarka paint palettes (I just got 2, there are 3 different ones but I thought these two were the ones that would work best for me), we watched a demo a week ago Monday (SWMWS meeting), and the girl that demonstrated (Susie Blyvies, I think I spelled that correctly), was all into these Yarka watercolors because they were so intense, well, as you can see, they are intense, I'm not sure I will paint with them all the time, but it was fun to try this one, of course, they are the transparent sort, not the opaques that I've become used to, so I had to approach it a bit differently than normal, well, I did add some white to the colors, so I guess you could say they are still the opaques, just white added to them.

I put in the sky, then I put in the water line by painting the far bank of the water with a pale purple, and the sun was rimed with yellow so I could work up the sun glow shining through the trees, I really worked hard to get that effect (not easy), back and forth with the yellow, yellow orange, orange and some red, then floated the white on, then I had to adjust it several times to get it the way I wanted it, then I worked on the trees by floating the leaf color in, yellow and some raw sienna, and some brown, then some really brilliant red. The ground was laid in, then I went back in with some violet, and just kept working it until it got close, I put light blue/gray for the trees and then some darker brown for the branches, the green brush (or weeds) in the foreground was last, of course, and then I signed it, I like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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