Friday, September 23, 2011

Painting #242 - A very good painting day

Well, I went to my friends house and painted today, my friend in Indiana, that is, I have several friends in Coldwater, Battle Creek and Union City, but today was Indiana. I should have taken the laptop with me, because I had the blog painting done about 4:00 p.m., then I borrowed some photo's from her to paint a doorway, I don't have any, except barn doors, and I wanted a fancier doorway than that. I am unsure if I will get this done in time to enter it in a show, or not, I painted it, then re-painted it, because, it didn't work the right way the first time, it should have, if I'd used the good masking fluid (Pebeo), instead of the junk I had in my transparent traveling studio (my old class painting kit), but, NOOOOOOOOO! I had to use the incredible white mask and it didn't work well, it looked like it covered, but, when I pulled the mask off, it had bled through, not to speak of it, but, the stuff was gummy coming off (not good), so I threw it away! I started it again, this time I drew it on and painted it directly, it's working better, but I may still have to use some opaques, I've become addicted to them. I decided to do the transparent paints because I'm thinking of entering a show, only if I get it done, unfortunately, when I do get it done, I can't show it to you, she asked me not to blog it, that's ok, you will just have to go to the show, that is if I get in,otherwise, I might put it in my show that will go up in 2012 (only if it turns out), ok?

Well, now on with the blog painting, I've been thinking about doing this one for a few days, I've been carrying it around in my painting kit, thinking that I might get to it, then Pat gave me those photo's and I just had to paint those, so now it is painted. This is a photo taken about the same time as one I did a couple of weeks ago, the photo's are the same size and the same colors, and look like they were taken the same day and time, so that's why I think that.

There is no sky, so I started out with a gray/purple for the rocks, then I jumped in with some lighter gray to indicate where the rocks were, once that was done, I went for the middle ground rocks and then the ones on the left that come down to the foreground, after the rocks were in, I mixed up a blue/purple/green mixture for the water (it was very dark looking except for the falls and the foam), then I laid in a light blue for the shadows on the falls, then I started back at the top and started to fine tune the rocks at the top, I splattered, then went in and put some shadows on the rocks, oh yes, the splatters were a light gray, then a darker gray/purple and finally a brown/purple, then I skipped around and put some shadows in and then a bit of a highlight, that done, I moved on to the larger rock on the right then the ones on the left, doing exactly the same, I did warm up the rocks a bit by putting a purply/pink color on some of them, because, no rocks are all the same color, there are lots of different colors of rocks. then I put the dark water in at the top and bottom, I moved it around like waves so it's believable, then went back on it with a light blue to give the lights some other dimension. Then the falls, I tend to do them at the end, now, mind you, the rocks beneath the falls have to be put in, then the white goes over that in the direction the water falls, and then more blue for shadows, and ta da! I'ts a painting, I really like this little painting and I hope you do too.

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