Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Painting #225 - Sept 6 - Class day in Coldwater and more computer problems

I was very tired when I got home from classes, but, had to deal with this dumb computer again, I'm OK now, the Iyogi program I got, when I was having so many problems before, came through and got it all straightened out, but, they should consider a problem, they have too many buttons to fool with, they had one that was marked PC maintenance, well, in my ignorance I pushed it, and it wanted to scan something so I said yes, well, the thing is, I wasn't supposed to be in that program with out the technician guiding me, well, I didn't understand that when I got it, well, the thing that happened is that it wanted access code, and I didn't have one, then it locked the Iyogi program out, it said I needed an access code, and you know the rest, when that program doesn't work right, the other programs didn't work right, and so I had trouble, but all is well now. Pheew! Glad that's over, now, on with the painting.

I started this in class today, this was a photo I took of the farm that my friend Carol and I tried to get permission to sketch last week. Now, this is from the road and you couldn't really see the cuteness of barn (it had really neat steps on the other side that I couldn't get close enough to get pictures of, and no one was home to ask, well we don't know if anyone was home, they wouldn't answer the door, really weird, the door was open and really looked like someone was there, oh well, maybe we'll catch them another time, anyway, this shot across the field wasn't too bad so I decided to paint it today.

I laid in some sky color, a mixture of sky blue and periwinkle blue and purple with white added, then the barn shape and the trees finally I got the close up trees and the foreground laid in. Once that was dry, I attempted to fine tune the barn, only I had put so much water on it that it all blurred, so I had to take the hair dryer to it. Anyway, I did manage to get the barn sharpened up, and some leaf shapes in the middle ground trees, and then the bushes in front of the barn, finally, I put in the weeds in the foreground, of course, I spattered it with a couple of different colors, the last thing I did was the pine tree on the right, and the branches for the overhanging stuff on the left, I like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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