Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Painting #246 - Sept 27 - A very good day

Although I'm tired (didn't get to bed last night early enough), I made a little money today, my old student that bought 4 paintings last week, bought 3 more today, wow, I'd like to find about 30 or so more, just like her. Of course, they are the small blog paintings, but that's ok, it's something, and that's a whole lot better than nothing, and it's been like that pretty much the last year, so it's good. I barely got those finished though, I would have liked to look at them for a little longer, oh well.

I was going to work on one that was a bit more complicated, but when June came in this morning, she brought the frames, and was having difficulty getting them in, so, guess what? I helped her frame those paintings so my class time was a bit shorter than I intended, so the time was short, but, on second thought, this one turned out really nice, I like the subtle changes in color on the moon flower (that's what I was told it was, Pat is going to bring me some seeds so I can grow my own, she said that they are invasive, so put them somewhere that they can climb and not hurt anything else, I already have morning glory's that are doing the same thing, and this last summer I found some wild potato vine that was taking over the other end of the fence, so, that's my kind of flower, I don't have to mess with them, I'm not a gardener, love flowers, but, not good at growing things, don't really have the energy to do it.

Right now, I'm so tired that I can't think how I proceeded with this painting, I know that I put in the center and then found the edges, then I put in the green background, when that was dry I started to put in the shadows and switching out some different colors (I could see so many colors in that white flower, pinks, purples blues and greens just to list a few, so this one is a subtle mixture of all those colors, I really piled on the dark green, love the contrast, I really like this little painting, and I hope you do too.

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